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VanillaXP SP3 v8.3 IE7 D5

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VanillaXP SP3 v8.3 IE7 D5
VanillaXP SP3 v8.3 IE7 D5 繁體中文合輯版(Windows XP Sp3系統+整合驅動軟體)(DVD版)

整合驅動 → 處理器 (CPU - AMD) 、網路卡 (LAN) 、儲存裝置 (MassStorage)

- VanillaXP 前身 -- PureXP

- 只有M$ 系列更新和數項基本軟體以及DriverPacks 驅動,其它一概全無,適合凡事喜

- 此次因推出內含IE7 的版本,所以DriverPacks 版減少為IE6 的D1/D4/D5 及IE7 的
D1/D4/D5 共六版
D1 適合想要自行載入SATA/RAID 驅動的朋友
D4 適合懶人。不過D4 內含的顯示卡驅動較舊,若您希望您的顯示卡能獲得較佳的支援
,較好的相容能力,請選擇D5 版,事後再自行安裝主機板、顯示卡及音效驅動
D5 版即為D2 版再加上網路卡驅動而成,避免一安裝好系統卻沒網路可連接的窘境

- VanillaXP 8.3 內含所有更新檔與SharkXP 8.3 同 (80項),版本號不變

- VanillaXP 只做解除XP 基本限制的調校和真正非必要性元件的移除,除清單內已列出

- VanillaXP 僅有仿Vista 的開機跑馬燈畫面和桌布,其它如SharkXP 所列之美化元素

二、更新清單:(Post-SP3 Hotfixes)

Windows XP 更新參考:
1. 原版XP SP3 上Windows Update 您可以得到A (10) = 10 項更新
2. 原版XP SP3 上Windows Update + 自行去下載中心搜尋更新檔可以補齊所有官方更新
檔,總計 A (10) + B (10) = 20 項更新
3. VanillaXP 所整合的更新 (hotfix) 便是前述 A (10) + B (10) + C (46) + WMP 11
(14)= 80 項更新 (與SharkXP 8.3 相同)

整合Hotfix 清單:
A. Windows Update (WU)
1. KB890830 -- The Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool helps
remove specific, prevalent malicious software from computers that are running
Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Windows 2000
2. KB951748 -- MS08-037: Description of the security update for DNS in
Windows Server 2003, in Windows XP, and in Windows 2000 Server (client side):
July 8, 2008
3. KB951978 -- Script output is not displayed as expected when you run
VBScript or JScript scripts in Windows Vista Service Pack 1, in Windows
Server 2008, or in Windows XP Service Pack 3
4. KB951698 -- MS08-033: Vulnerabilities in DirectX could allow remote code
5. KB951376 -- MS08-030: Vulnerability in Bluetooth stack could allow
remote code execution
6. KB950759 -- MS08-031: Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer
7. KB950760 -- MS08-032: Critical security update of ActiveX kill bits
8. KB950762 -- MS08-036: Vulnerabilities in Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM)
could allow denial of service
9. KB942763 -- December 2007 cumulative time zone update for Microsoft
Windows operating systems

10. KB923789 -- (此為flash Player 更新,但只要您上到具有flash Player 技術的
網站即可獲得。若已安裝最新版本的flash Player ,此更新便不會出現) -- MS06-069:
Vulnerabilities in Macromedia flash Player from Adobe could allow remote code
11. Internet Explorer 7

1. 根憑證更新 (KB931125) -- Microsoft root certificate program members (
January 2008)
2. Windows Media Player 11 及相關更新共14 項 (Windows Update 只會顯示部分)
節錄自WMP 11 Slipstreamer 官方網站:VanillaXP 已整合!

1. KB928788 -- FIX: Windows Media Player 11 may not work correctly when you
use the Media Sharing feature to stream Windows Media format video content
across a home network
2. KB929399 -- FIX: Subscription services cannot extract metering data when
the services try to synchronize metering data on a client computer that is
running the Windows Media Format 11 SDK
3. KB929773 -- FIX: You hear an unexpected noise or a problem in the audio
playback when you play back a Windows Media Audio (WMA) file on certain
hardware devices
4. KB932390 -- FIX: The encoder cannot use the Windows Media Audio 9 Voice
codec after you install Windows Media Player 11 on a computer that uses
Windows Media Encoder 9 Series
5. KB933547 -- FIX: Windows Media Player 11 may crash if you plug in
certain flash memory devices while you use Windows Media Player in Windows
6. KB935551 -- FIX: Device connection is disconnected when you synchronize
lots of files between Windows Media Player 11 and a Windows Mobile device
7. KB935552 -- FIX: Windows Media Player 11 may stop responding when you
transfer media to a device that uses the Media Transfer Protocol and then you
cancel the transfer process
8. KB939209 -- FIX: When you use an application to play DRM-protected video
content in Windows XP, the application may fail
9. KB939683 -- FIX: Update for Windows Media Player 11 for Windows XP
10. KB941569 -- MS07-068: Vulnerability in Windows Media file format could
allow remote code execution
11. KB944882 -- [td][/td] [td]FIX: The memory for an application increases
for each file that you transfer when you transfer media from a computer
that is running Windows Vista or Windows XP to a portable device[/td]
12. KB945381 -- FIX: SAMI scripts fire at seemingly random times when you
perform a seek operation in a video file that has an associated SAMI file
13. KB946665 -- FIX: Windows Media Player 11 cannot play some Windows Media
content that was created by a Windows Media Format SDK-based application
14. KB950478 -- FIX: An audio or video file does not play in Windows Media
Player when you connect through a proxy server that uses an autoproxy

3. Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0:x86 (KB829019)
4. Microsoft .NET Framework 版本1.1,中文 (繁體)

B-1. 下載中心 (Download Center, DC)
P.S. 下載中心內的更新已包含上述A 的更新,因此在此只列出A. Windows Update 上所
1. KB895961 -- The Windows Media Center Extender service cannot create the
sub-desktop session on a Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005-based
2. KB944043 -- Description of the Windows Server 2008 read-only domain
controller compatibility pack for Windows Server 2003 clients and for Windows
XP clients
3. KB951072 -- August 2008 cumulative time zone update for Microsoft
Windows operating systems
4. KB951618 -- A black screen issue occurs on a Windows Vista-based
computer or a Windows XP Service Pack 2-based computer that has Onekey
Recovery 5.0 installed when you upgrade the operating system
5. KB951830 -- When you disable and then re-enable the LAN-side network
adapter on a Windows XP SP3-based computer that is configured as a Connection
Sharing host, a client computer on the network cannot access the Internet
6. KB952287 -- An application that uses the ADO interface may malfunction, or
data loss may occur when the application connects to SQL Server in Windows
Vista, in Windows XP, or in Windows Server 2008

B-2. 雖是給XP SP2 的更新,但SP3 仍未納入的更新:
7. KB941833 (MS XML4) -- An update is available that improves the
compatibility and the reliability of Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0
Service Pack 2 on a Windows Vista-based computer
8. KB898461 -- Software update 898461 installs a permanent copy of the
Package Installer for Windows version
9. European Union Expansion Font Update 1.2
10. KB942288 (Windows Installer 4.5) -- Windows Installer 4.5 is available

C. 非官方更新 (Unofficial Hotfixes, UH)
VanillaXP 此次非官方更新共計46 項:
1. KB932521 -- A Windows XP-based client computer uses an archived
certificate for network authentication after a new certificate is auto-
enrolled in a wireless Active Directory domain
2. KB932716 -- Description of the Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) update
package that is dated June 26, 2007
3. KB940648 -- Error message when you try to open the My Documents folder
on a Windows XP-based computer after you resume the computer from
hibernation: "You might not have permission to use this network resource"
4. KB942213 -- The MMC.exe program randomly becomes unresponsive when the
user clicks OK or Cancel several times to close a Windows form in Windows
Server 2003
5. KB943326 -- Overlapping layered windows are not displayed in the correct
order in Windows Server 2003 or in Windows XP
6. KB944505 -- DFS clients may access the DFS root server in the remote
site even though the DFS root server in the local site is available in a
Windows Server 2003-based domain
7. KB945060 -- There may be inconsistencies in the Extensible Metadata
Platform (XMP) and Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) values for an image file in
Windows Vista and in Windows XP
8. KB945436 -- Error message when you try to uninstall or unload the driver
for a multifunction USB device on a Windows XP-based computer: "STOP:
9. KB946554 -- The Win32_Processor class returns the incorrect Name
property for the processor in a Windows XP-based computer that has an Intel
Celeron processor installed
10. KB946666 -- When you use a third-party tool to open a picture that was
previously edited in Windows Photo Gallery, some metadata fields are
duplicated, dropped, or corrupted
11. KB947100 -- After a COM application handles an access violation on a
Windows Server 2003-based computer or on a Windows XP Professional x64
Edition-based computer, the COM application stops responding
12. KB947460 v2 -- Error message when you try to open a mapped DFS folder
after the computer comes out of standby in Windows XP Service Pack 2: " Letter>:\ is not accessible"
13. KB948101 v3 -- A USB keyboard does not work after you restart a Windows
XP-based computer that has an NVIDIA 680i motherboard installed
14. KB948277 -- A blank desktop may appear when you log on to a Windows XP-
based computer
15. KB948720 -- You cannot install device drivers in a Windows Server 2008
cluster environment if the drivers contain LZ-compressed files
16. KB949033 -- You may experience severe video degradation and a Stop
error when you connect a USB Webcam to a Windows XP-based computer
17. KB949127 v2 -- You cannot establish a wireless connection by using EAP
authentication on a Windows XP-based client computer if the Service Set
Identifier (SSID) includes a comma
18. KB949764 -- A USB device no longer works after you resume a Windows XP-
based computer from hibernation (S4)
19. KB949860 -- On a Windows XP-based computer, when you start an application
by running as another user account, the content in an application's dialog
box or menu does not update automatically
20. KB949900 -- The RunOnce.exe process may stop responding during the driver
installation process on a Windows XP-based computer
21. KB950162 -- A computer that is running Windows XP or Windows Vista
becomes unresponsive after the driver load and unload operation is repeated
many times
22. KB950312 -- Error message when you try to start a console-based
application, such as Cmd.exe, on a Windows XP-based computer: "The
application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142)"
23. KB950565 -- FIX: Error message when you insert data to a table that
contains two image columns by using the SQL Server ODBC driver: "
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid locator de-
24. KB950616 -- An audio application that uses the Portcls.sys file may
stop responding when you run the audio application on a computer that is
running Windows XP
25. KB950820 -- The system stops responding during the logoff, shutdown, or
restart process on a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 or
Windows XP and that has the Japanese IME installed

26. KB950982 -- A list of ODBC system DSNs is truncated when the total number
of characters that are used in all the DSN names is more than 7,500 on a
Windows XP-based computer
27. KB951126 -- A multiprocessor computer that is running a Microsoft Windows
operating system stops responding on a black screen after you resume the
computer from hibernation
28. KB951312 -- When you run an application that uses a timer queue on a
Windows XP-based computer, the application may stop responding
29. KB951531 -- The W32Time service does not synchronize the CMOS clock
time to the Internet time on a Windows XP or Windows Server 2003-based
computer after the W32Time service stops
30. KB951624 -- A 30-second delay occurs during the initialization of some
network-based applications when Windows XP Service Pack 2 starts
31. KB951709 -- Event ID 26 when you attach two IDE ATA/ATAPI devices as
master and subordinate IDE devices on a Windows XP-based computer
32.KB951822 v2 -- You receive an error message, the print operation fails, or
partial pages are printed when you try to print to a Citizen printer or to an
Alps printer in Windows XP Service Pack 3
33. KB951937 v2 -- On a computer that is running Windows Vista, Windows
Server 2008, or Windows XP, an incorrect value is returned when an
application queries the identity column value of a newly inserted row in
various versions of SQL Server 2005 and of SQL Server 2000
34. KB952020 v2 -- Error message when you try to open a clear-text signed
message in Outlook 2007 on a Windows XP-based computer: "The necessary
security algorithm is not supported"
35. KB952079 v2 -- You cannot use the Backup Utility to restore certain EFS-
encrypted files on a Windows XP-based computer and data corruption occurs
36. KB952117 v2 -- When you try to put a Windows XP-based computer into
hibernation or into standby, the computer stops responding
37. KB952206 -- A printer-driver upgrade operation fails on printer clients
that are running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP when multiple printer
queues are upgraded at the same time
38. KB952825 -- IEEE 1394-compliant storage devices that are connected to
an OHCI host controller are not displayed on a Windows XP-based computer
39. KB953028 -- On a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 or
Windows XP, an application experiences an access violation and then crashes
if the computer has more than four cores or more than four logical
40. KB953609 -- Error message when you try to add a wireless network to a
Windows XP-based computer that has hotfix 917021 applied: "At least one of
your changes was not applied successfully to the wireless configuration"
41. KB953760 -- When you enable SSO for a terminal server from a Windows XP
SP3-based client computer, you are still prompted for user credentials when
you log on to the terminal server
42. KB953955 -- The Win32_Processor class returns the incorrect Name property
for the processors on a Windows XP-based computer that has Intel Core 2 Duo
processors installed
43. KB953979 -- Device Manager may not show any devices and Network
Connections may not show any network connections after you install Windows XP
Service Pack 3 (SP3)
44. KB954232 -- The On-Screen Keyboard behavior on a Windows XP-based
computer does not mimic the physical keyboard behavior in certain scenarios
45. KB954543 -- Web-related applications may not work correctly after you
install cumulative security update for Internet Explorer MS08-024 (KB947864)
46. KB955109 -- Error message when you run an application that uses the
Application Desktop Toolbar (AppBar) component on a computer that is
running Windows XP SP2 or Windows XP SP3: 「0xC0000005 (Access Violation)」

三、移除元件/系統微調/停用服務:(Removed Components, Tweaks and Disabled
1. MSN Explorer
2. Windows Messenger

1. Blaster/Nachi removal tool (微軟惡意軟體移除工具原始版)
2. MS XML 2.0 (舊版已無存在的必要)
3. Tour

Windows XP 預設限制解除:
1. TCP/IP 連線數設定為: 20000 (原10)
2. USB Port 更新率: 500Hz (原125Hz)
3. 解除只能使用M$ 自家佈景主題限制: uxtheme.dll
4. 停用Windows File Protection: sfc.dll

Windows XP 微調:
1. 控制台介面轉為傳統 (classic) 介面
2. 停用建立捷徑時在前面所加的 "捷徑" 兩字
3. 預設顯示已知檔案的副檔名
4. IE: 當IE 下載檔案視窗完成下載動作自動關閉
5. IE: 停用"我的最愛"內的M$ 相關連結
6. IE: 將IE 紀錄URL 的時限拉長至50 日
7. IE: 將IE 的快取大小限制在20MB
8. IE: 將IE 預設只能同時下載3 檔的限制修正為10
9. 控制台>電源選項: 啟用"最小電源管理"
10. 隱私權: 停用驅動更新連上網提示
11. 隱私權: 停用"錯誤回報"功能
12. 隱私權: 移除Alexa
13. 安全性/IE: 重啟用IE 以user:pass 登入網站的功能
14. 開始工作列: 增加 "系統管理工具" 捷徑

四、內含軟體/系統工具:(System Updates)
1. .NET Framework 1.1 及相關更新 (KB886903, KB928366) + 繁體中文套件

2. .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 及其相關更新 + 繁體中文套件

3. .NET Framework 3.5 + 繁體中文套件

4. Microsoft Visual J# Runtimes 1.1
5. Microsoft Visual J# Runtimes 2.0 SE

6. Microsoft Viusal C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package
7. Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package

8. Windows Vista Ultimate 內所有中文字型

9. DirectX 9.0c 2008 六月份更新版

10. Silverlight v1.13.113

11. User Profile Hive Cleanup Service 1.6d

12. Calculator Plus 1.0 繁體中文 (已取代XP 內建的小算盤)

1. Adobe flash Player

2. HashTab 繁體中文介面翻譯再修正 (by tiby)

3. Java Runtime Environment 6 Update 7

4. SPTD Driver 1.56 (此驅動為虛擬工具所必需。Alcohol 120% 及Daemon Tools 皆納
P.S. 因已整合入Windows,所以安裝上述兩軟體皆不需再重新開機

5. Xentient Thumbnails 1.0.2
